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On this page, we provide the installation procedure for the CrazyChoir package

Docker Installation 🐋

If you want to install CrazyChoir using our docker image, follow the following commands. First, open a terminal and clone the repo in ~/crazychoir_ws/src:

mkdir -p ~/crazychoir_ws/src
cd ~/crazychoir_ws/src
git clone --recursive .
git submodule update --remote --merge ChoiRbot/

Now, follow the instructions written here.

Otherwise, if you want to proceed with the classical installation, please refer to the next chapter.

Requirements and Installation

CrazyChoir currently requires ROS 2 Foxy to be installed on your system. Please refer to the ROS 2 website for a comprehensive tutorial on how to install ROS 2. We suggest to perform the Desktop Install of ROS 2, which provides useful tools such as RVIZ.

CrazyChoir has been tested on Webots R2022a. It is possible to download it at this link.

The following packages are also required to run Webots simulations:

sudo apt install ros-foxy-vision-msgs
sudo apt install ros-foxy-hardware-interface
sudo apt install ros-foxy-controller-manager

If you do not have a ROS 2 workspace run on a terminal:

mkdir -p ~/crazychoir_ws/src
cd ~/crazychoir_ws/src

To install the toolbox, navigate inside the src directory and run:

git clone --recursive .
git submodule update --remote --merge ChoiRbot/

Then, install the Vicon required libraries

cd ros2-vicon-receiver

Then, simply build the workspace:

cd ~/crazychoir_ws
colcon build --symlink-install

Installation of required Python packages

CrazyChoir requires a set of Python packages that can be installed by running:

cd ~/crazychoir_ws/src/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

CrazyChoir requires a set of API from the DISROPT package. You can install them by running:

pip3 install --no-deps disropt

You could also install disropt by directly running pip install disropt. However, this would automatically install additional packages (such as mpi4py) that are not required by CrazyChoir.

Setup of Crazyflie Firmware Bindings

In order to use some functionalities of the package, it is necessary to build the Crazyflie firmware and create Python bindings of firmware functions. We follow the guide at this link.

In your favorite directory, run

sudo apt-get install make gcc-arm-none-eabi
sudo apt install swig

Then, clone the Crazyflie firmware repository

git clone --recursive
cd crazyflie-firmware
git submodule init
git submodule update

Compile and create the bindings

make cf2_defconfig
make -j 12
make bindings_python

Now, you should have a build directory containing the file Copy the path of into the file ~/dev_ws/src/crazychoir/crazychoir/utils/ at Line 3.